Bearing witness: the role of war artists in the 21st century - 26.10.09

Bearing witness: the role of war artists in the 21st century - 26.10.09

Date: 26th October 2009

David and Paul Seawright will be in a chaired conversation with Jes Fernie, Associate Curator, firstsite at Headgate Theatre, Colchester. 

Further information, courtesy of Jes Fernie, follows:

"The programme will coincide with the showing of Steve McQueen's Queen & Country project at the University of Essex Gallery.

Internationally acclaimed artists Paul Seawright and David Cotterrell will be talking about their experiences of working in Afghanistan as representatives of the Imperial War Museum and the Wellcome Trust.

Seawright visited Afghanistan in 2002 where he created Hidden, a powerful series of photographs which depict minefields and battle sites devoid of people, highlighting the fact that so much of the conflict in Afghanistan is invisible. Cotterrell spent time in Helmand Province with the Joint Forces Medical Group in 2007 witnessing operations on combat trauma victims in the field hospital at Camp Bastion."

Bearing witness: the role of war artists in the 21st century
Speakers: Paul Seawright and David Cotterrell
Chair: Jes Fernie, Associate Curator, firstsite
26 October 2009, Headgate Theatre, Colchester
7.00 - 8.30pm