Living Places

Living Places

Location: Newington and St Andrews, Kingston Upon Hull
Role: Artist in Residence
Date: 15th June 2006 - 15th July 2006
Client: Hull Gateway Pathfinder
Commissioning Body: RKL Consultants
Collaborating Organisation(s): CABE

A short consultancy to make observations and explore development strategies and potential in the NASA region of Kingston upon Hull.

The Newington and St Andrew's area of Kingston upon Hull has suffered severe economic depression and has been historically isolated from the services, jobs and amenity of the larger urban area. This 'snapshot' consultancy was commissioned by RKL Consultants, to facilitate a re-evaluation of the options for the area and to provoke wider debate amongst the key council and regional stakeholders.

The results of the research were presented to the Living Places one-day conference and served to contribute a subsequent, longer-term programme of research and investment by local and regional agencies.




NASA, an Outsider's View
