Searchlight (2009)

Searchlight (2009)

Writer: Rebecca Geldard, Ben Hall, Dan Dubowitz
Editor: David Cotterrell, Dan Dubowitz

Publisher: CivicWorks Press
ISBN: 978-0-9545980-5-1
Pages: 56 (Colour)

Searchlight is the story of a politically influential art event. Offering an alternative public art model to the monumental sculpture traditionally aligned with inner-city regeneration, it is an experimental journey through technology, contested territories and fragmented communities.

This publication celebrates the risk and uncertainty of the project, drawing attention to unresolved questions being explored by Britain’s public art community as it seeks to re-evaluate its relationship to context.

The book was launched on 28th June 2009.

It may be purchased direct from Amazon here or from Waterstones here

To stock the book please use the following contact details and references:

Distributor: Central Books
99 Wallis Road
TEL : 0208 986 5463
FAX : 0208 533 5821

Reference: 0954598059 Searchlight: David Cotterrell