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Event Name: Public Art South-West EventVenue/Location: Spike Island, Bristol
Date: 11th December 2007
Public Art South West, Spike Island
Chair/Other Speakers:
Andrew Cross (Chair); Patricia MacKinnon-Day (Artist); Tim Knowles (Artist)
Regional Networking Day for Public Art South West
A day examining the legacy for artists of PROJECT – engaging artists in the built environment.
PROJECT - engaging artists in the built environment is a national funding scheme jointly supported by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and Arts & Business (A&B). It involves the arts, culture, design, education, environment, healthcare, housing, and regeneration sectors in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Public Art South West managed and delivered the scheme which was launched on 8 June 2004 and ran until March 2006.
PROJECT aims to create a shared vision for public space, planning and high quality urban design; and engage artists, public agencies and the private sector in projects that will have a positive impact on the places in which we live.
Presentation of research and development of Barton Hill, drawing on experience gained as resident in the Ashford masterplan and work in China. See presentation details.
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