All-Party Parliamentary Group - 24.01.17

All-Party Parliamentary Group - 24.01.17

Date: 24th January 2017

On Tuesday, David will be presenting at the House of Commons to the fourth evidence session on the Inquiry into Building Resilience to Radicalisation in Middle East & North Africa (MENA).

The fourth formal evidence session will invite expert witnesses working in the sectors of Arts and Culture to look specifically at the role of Arts and Culture in building resilience to radicalisation in MENA. Experts and organisations working in the areas of Arts and Culture will look at the role of artists, and the contribution that arts and creativity can make to the fight against radicalisation, and the role of Arts and Culture in the political sphere of this question. Expert witnesses will also explore the role art and culture can play in strengthening civil society and building individual and community resistance.

Why it is important to involve and support the sectors of arts and culture, what are the current projects and strategies being used to build resilient individuals and communities, and how they are evaluating their impact. The session will continue to build on some of the concepts, definitions, and insights into the MENA region which were explored in the previous sessions, and what constitutes a resilient individual and society. Where should the focus be when building resilience – individuals, societies or structures? Particularly when faced with very poor circumstances. What opportunities and spaces do arts and culture create, where difficult current realities can be explored at a distance and therefore more safely? Can this help towards reducing the radicalisation of individuals and societies.

The session will inform the committee members of wider evidence being carried out in MENA (with any reference to relevant global case studies), using examples of successful initiatives and insights from the ground.

Witnesses attending:

Dr Bernadette Buckley, Convenor, MA Art and Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London.

Prof David Cotterrell, Professor of Fine Art, Director of Research and Development, College of Arts and Humanities, University of Brighton.

Stephen Stenning , Director Culture and Development, British Council .

Lois Stonock, Independent Researcher, Curator and Cultural Strategist, Founder, LR Stonock Consultancy and Create Associates.

Time, Date and Location:

14.30 – 16.30, Tuesday 24th January 2017;

Committee Room 08 (Houses of Parliament, Cromwell Green Entrance)

Further Details:

If you have any questions relating to the British Council All-Party Parliamentary Group and Building Resilience to Radicalisation Inquiry, you can contact the programme team directly as below:

Zafran Iqbal
Secretariat to the APPG Inquiry
Policy & Parliamentary Officer
British Council
020 3285 3724

Russell Clarke
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of David Warburton MP
020 7219 5229


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