Art and War: Truth, Propaganda and Protest - 09.08.14
Date: 9th August 2014Shock and Awe presents a wide range of artists and artworks, portraying many facets of armed conflict: militarism, power, dispossession, peace, protest and remembrance. Brothers in Art brings together landscape paintings by John and Paul Nash - the places and countryside which they lovingly renegotiated and reimagined after the trauma of not one, but two, world wars.
How can the artist respond ‘truthfully’ to the spectacle and trauma of armed conflict? When does reportage become propaganda? Historically, how have artists attempted to take a pacifist stance, particularly in an environment of growing nationalism and military hostility?
Addressing these questions and the wider themes of the exhibition, this half-day workshop will combine gallery-based talks with Shock and Awe artists Jill Gibbon and David Cotterrell, and an illustrated lecture with University of Bristol Art Historian, Dr Grace Brockington.
Event Details:
Location: The Royal West of England Academy, BS8 1PX
Date & Time: Saturday 9 August. 2pm - 5.30pm
Admission prices: £10 to include exhibition entry / £5 RWA Academicians, Friends, Artist Network Members and Students.
Tickets: Places limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. To book online click here or call 0117 973 5129.